Misericordia University TED 121 -- Educational Technology

Module 1: Educational Technology


Purpose of the Course

The purpose of the course is to do the following:
  1. To expose you to a variety of different technologies used in education.
  2. To develop and increase your skills and competence in using technology.
  3. To explore different ways in which technology can be used effectively in teaching/learning situations.


How the Course Is Structured

Design of the Course

Other Aspects of the Course


Class Activities and Expectations


Understanding Policies in the Course Syllabus

This section attempts to provide a deeper explanation of the policies and procedures adhered to in this course, as listed in the course syllabus. The instructor will discuss these with the class in order to foster a good understanding of the expectations of the course and the procedures followed in TED courses. (For more information, please refer to the TED 121 course syllabus, located on the course Blackboard page.)


Understanding the Grading System and Assessment

A grading system based on the mastery learning paradigm is stated in the TED Guidebook. According to the TED departmental system of grading, you will earn points on your final course grade as listed in the following table. Note that in keeping with the reality of "high stakes assessment," 25% of the points in the course are earned through the final cumulative assessment/course project.

Modules Final Exam/Course Project Participation TOTAL
(See the Assessment Page for more details.)
25 10 100

In the ongoing assessment, each of the activities associated with the modules are assigned different point values, depending upon the topic's relative importance within the course. The table on the Module, Assignment, and Assessment Web page shows how the ongoing assessment is based.

After the final cumulative assessment, your total numerical grade for the course will be converted into a letter grade according to the following table. This is the grade that will be submitted to the registrar.

Final Grade Equivalents
A95-100     C+79-81
A-92-94 C75-78
B+89-91 C-72-74
B85-88 D67-71
B-82-84 F0-66


Attendance and Participation

This is a hands-on course, and as such, attendance is critical. All students are expected to attend and actively participate in all course meetings and activities. Attendance will be taken during each class period. According to TED policy, students are expected to contact the instructor when absent from class in order to be excused. No unexcused absences are permitted. Missing class will limit a student's ability to participate in the teaching/learning activities, and will result in a lowered class participation grade.

Active Participation (10 points):
Five points are awarded for active participation in this course. Because this is a hands-on course, points may be deducted for unexcused absences and for times students are disengaged from class activities (surfing the Web, playing games, texting, etc.), as these are all violations of the TED Code of Ethics and other policies.

Students must respect the “Attendance and Participation Policy” published in the TED Guidebook. Students are expected to be present for each class meeting prepared to actively participate. Should a student need to miss a class meeting(s), contact the instructor to be excused. During an absence, you are still responsible for timely completion and submission of material. If you experience a health-related or other emergency that will entail that you must miss class for a period of time, you are advised to contact the office of the Vice-president of Academic Affairs to be officially excused from classes. The grade for active class participation can be reduced for the following reasons: 1) failure to be excused for missing classes (from the instructor or VPAA’s office); 2) disengagement during class meetings; 3) excessive absences; or 4) absence without making up material covered in class.

It is important that students who are ill stay home and take measures to return to good health. Students who are ill should reach out to the instructor to make arrangements to make-up missed work and get content if they are too ill to attend class.

If you cannot attend an in-person class meeting due to illness, please make arrangements with Dr. Steve in advance to make arrangements to participate in the class online.


Timely Submission of Materials

Students are expected to submit materials (i.e., modules, assignments, research paper, project, sit for quizzes) according to deadline dates assigned by the instructor. The following is how this policy will be administered:


Cell Phone Policy

Students are allowed to have cell phones in the classroom. Except in emergency situations, the use of cellular phones (including text messaging) shall not permitted in the classroom. Use of these technologies in the classroom negatively impacts the teaching/learning process, and is generally disruptive to other students. Also, students are not permitted to use the Internet to read or correspond through e-mail or social media, to surf the Web, or to play games. When a student uses the Web in these ways, the student is removed mentally from the classroom, the student no longer participates in the learning process, and no learning can take place. Violations of this policy will be handled as follows:

Note: It is permissible to keep your cell phone on in class, provided that you place it in the vibrate mode, so that you can receive emergency transmissions from the Wireless Emergency Notification System. Sign up to receive these alerts on e-MU.



Policy for Emergency Classroom Response

Students are permitted to keep their cell phones in silent mode, to enable receiving of MU emergency alerts.


Inclement Weather Procedures

In case of inclement weather, commuting students should exercise good judgment before attempting to drive to class. Students are advised to register their email addresses with the University so as to receive alerts related to school delays, closings, and other situations that may impact class meetings.

If traveling conditions are dangerous and the university does not close, the instructor reserves the right to cancel a course meeting OR change the in-person class meeting to "flipped mode," in which students will engage in learning activities away from the classroom via educational technologies.


Academic Integrity

The policy stated in the University Catalog will be maintained in this course (see the course syllabus for the entire policy), plus the following:

  1. In responding to questions on modules or in preparing a presentation, using the computer's "copy and paste" function to re-present verbatim information that is electronically provided by the instructor or found on a Web site is a form of plagiarism. No learning takes place in performing this action because the brain processes nothing. Therefore this action will be viewed as a form of plagiarism.
  2. The use of technological tools during in-class quizzes or tests shall not be permitted, except as authorized by the instructor. Using these technologies will be considered a form of cheating.

Forms of cheating may be seen as violations of the TED's Code of Ethics and will be addressed accordingly. (Please see TED Code of Ethics in the TED Guidebook.) Violations of academic integrity may result in one or more of the following, depending on the severity of the infraction as determined by the instructor:


What You Will Learn

The following represent just some of the things you will learn throughout this course. You will learn how to:
  • Advanced skills in online searching.
  • Learn skills and etiquette you may need to teach your students to "fit in" on the online community.
  • Downloading files (FTP).
  • Explore how to teach with Web 2.0 interactive technologies, like Wiki (shared documents) and blogs.
  • Use Ebsco Host and other online resources for research.
  • Review major concepts to become proficient users in word processing, presentation software, and spreadsheets.
  • Be introduced to various hardware, software, and apps helpful in the classroom, including apps for teacher productivity, presentation, and student assessment.
  • Use ActivInspire software to prepare presentations for use with a Promethean interactive white board.
  • Use online tools/apps to edit graphics and other multimedia files.
  • Take advantage of technology options to help the disabled.
  • Learn the basic rules of copyright and fair use as applies to online material.
  • Explore how good teachers use technology to enhance and support learning and instruction.
  • To support STEM, be introducted to computer programming/coding in the language of Scratch.
  • Use online tools to select a portion of a video and embed questions within video for use with students.
  • Explore virtual reality, augmented reality, and 360-degree video.
  • Explore Artificial Intelligence.
  • Learn how to create a mobile app.
  • And much, much more...

For more information, please consult the course topics page .

Don't worry!
It will be painless.
And you will have fun, too!!!


Don't feel overwhelmed! Don't worry! Many students enter this class with little or no experience in many of the technologies we will study. But ALL will exit with a sound understanding of educational technology. And if you have trouble, Dr. Steve is only a phone call, e-mail, or office visit away! (If you're really stressed, ask about using the panic button.)


Meet the Class

In order to get better acquainted with the members of our class, log onto MyMU (MyMU.misericordia.edu) and do the following:

  1. Click into our course page on Blackboard.
  2. In Module 1, locate the "Meet the class" discussion board.
  3. Post a message with the following information:

    1. Type your name as the subject of the message.
    2. Where are you from?
    3. What is your TED major (e.g., early childhood/spec. ed., ML, seced) and class (e.g., freshman)?
    4. What is your experience with technology (e.g., novice, comfortable, expert)?
    5. What else would you like the class to know about you (e.g., hobbies, interests)?


  Overview of the course.
  Introduction to educational technology.

Module 1.


TED 121

Dr. Steve