Misericordia University

Future Teacher Camp 2024

Session: Educational Technology

Instructor: Dr. Steve Broskoske


It is a great pleasure to meet you and have the opportunity to briefly explore educational technology with you at the Misericordia University Future Teachers' Camp. Teachers can use technology tools in the classroom to create more engaging, more easily understood, and more interesting lessons. I hope you enjoy the experience!

Happy computing!

Dr. Steve


  1. Why use technology in teaching?
  2. Educational technology seems like a "natural" to use in education. But are there any real advantages to using educational technology in instruction? Why should teachers use educational technology in their classes?

    Brief History of Educational Technology Educational technology really began in the middle 1400's with the invention of the movable type printing press. According to Hackbarth (1996), the history of the use of educational technology can be divided into four major eras. They are described below:

    1. print media
      Read about the history of the printing press.

    2. audiovisual media
      • 1930's: phonograph records, radio broadcasts, and films
      • 1950's: instructional television
      • language laboratory: students learned grammar and pronunciation from audio tape

    3. teaching machines and programmed instruction (1950's)
      Read (and download) a Morse Code teaching machine for the PC.

    4. computers (late 1970's)
      Timeline of Computer History from the Computer History Museum

    Things to Think About:
    1. Every time a new technology is introduced, people tend to want to do the same old thing with the new technology, even though the new technology provides new opportunities. How did this happen with the following technologies?

      • television (influenced by radio): In early television broadcasts of the 1950's, people sat in front of the camera and read as if they were on radio. People had not yet explored the expanded capabilities of visual part of the medium.

      • PowerPoint (influenced by overhead projectors): In the first PowerPoint presentations, speakers projected static text as if the slides were printed on plastic and placed on an overhead projector. People had not yet explored the expanded capabilities of animation, graphics, and sounds.

      • Web pages (influenced by books): In the early days of the Web (early 1990's), and still existing today, Web pages were developed as if they were books (linear, intended to be read from front to back). People had not yet explored the expanded capabilities of hypertext and modular design.

    Briefly compare the following three Web pages about archeology. Which site(s) make better use of technology and why?
    1. Archeology Link 1
    2. Archeology Link 2
    3. Archeology Link 3
    4. Archeology Link 4 (View dinosaurs in a VR museum visit.)


    As a group, we will now see 2 brief demonstrations by Dr. Steve: 1) the teacher of the past, and 2) the teacher of the future. As you watch the demos, use Padlet (below) and make posts ti create a shared list of advantages of using technology in teaching/learning. Don't be afraid to write down your "gut" feelings. As you work, answering some of the following questions may be helpful:
    • What is different about learning with multimedia than learning in the traditional classroom?
    • How does multimedia differ from reading a book or listening to a lecture?
    • What can multimedia offer that the traditional classroom cannot?
    • What advantages does multimedia offer to the student/learner over traditional classroom learning?

    Made with Padlet
    When you are done, click the following button to see some advantages to using multimedia in education:

    Resources to use during the lesson:

    1. Drive a Mars rover
    2. View a 360 Mars panorama
    3. Experience a Mars flyover video
    4. Watch a 360 video of a rover on Mars


  3. Exploring newer technologies and their application in the classroom.
  4. Teachers are always seeking to better use technological tools to improve the classroom. Following is a list of some technologies we may use during our session:


  5. Producing technological products to support teaching/learning.
  6. Now let's try it! Working in a small group, let's create a brief project that uses educational technology in teaching

  • The Results
  • I hope you had a good time exploring the use of educational technology in teaching/learning. Now let's view the results of the group projects everyone created during the session.


    Following are links to the projects we created during our session:

    Student presentations will be listed here after today's session.

    Dr. Steve's home page.

    E-mail Dr. Steve.