Misericordia University TED 121 -- Educational Technology




The project is meant to be a hands-on experience in which you employ the skills you learned in this class. It should represent a semester's worth of learning, and allows you to create a series of resources that could be used to teach a unit on a topic in the classroom. The project will allow you to demonstrate a deeper understanding of one or more of the course objectives and help you to reinforce the skills you have learned throughout the course. In addition, it affords you an opportunity to build additional skills. In the process, you can develop materials that you can use as part of your professional portfolio in the future.


Seed ideas for the course project

The following are some "seed" ideas to help you in choosing a topic for preparing a lesson for the course project. Don't feel limited by these ideas. These are just seed ideas.


Guidelines for Creating a Great Project

Depending on the technologies you choose, they should reflect the following elements:
  1. What a good project should contain:

  2. What a good project should avoid:

  3. What would make a great project?

    We examined ways to use technology throughout this semester. In general, demonstrate that you have mastered the technologies you will use in the project. Make the project reflect a semester's worth of learning. Demonstrate that you invested effort into the project and took it seriously. Create a product that you would be proud to include in an electronic portfolio to show to potential employers. (Note: Use elements that are appropriate to your project. It might not be appropriate to use all of the following elements in any one PP presentation.)


Rubric for grading the project

The project is an opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the use of a particular technology and should represent a semester's worth of learning. Further, it is expected that the project reflect an appropriate level of applied effort. Therefore, the project represents a substantial part of the total course grade. Students can earn up to 5 bonus points on the final exam. The following rubric will be used in grading the project:

Area Description Grade Percentage
Met all Requirements Utilized an appropriate number of technologies appropriate to the size of the group. Met all stated requirements of the project. 10%
Use of Medium Technology used appropriately and effectively to accomplish attempted goal. Work demonstrates mastery of the technology used. Product demonstrates evidence of planning, creativity, and professional presentation. Product meets with design guidelines and UDL (universal design in learning) recommendations in order to make the product accessible to all learners. (See specific elements below.) 50%
Effort Product demonstrates appropriate level of application and work. Also includes active participation by individual students within a group. 20%
Content Project contains content of substance that is sound, organized, and presented in an understandable fashion. 20%
TOTAL 100%
Bonus: In cases of exceptional effort and accomplishment in the course project, the instructor reserves the right to credit a student with up to 5 bonus points on the final exam. To earn extra points, students need to utilize advanced technological techniques to effectively, incorporate additional technologies, and utilize elements creatively to effectively teach the lesson. Bonus points awarded will depend on technologies used and skill in applying these technologies. Extra technologies you could use include:
  • QR codes.
  • Plickers activity.
  • Create an assessment using Zipgrade.
  • Other creative activity.

ElementMetNot met
PowerPoint/Activ software:
  1. Contains enough slides to thoroughly teach the topic.
  2. Text is readable over backgrounds.
  3. Text is large enough to read.
  4. Slides are not overcrowded.
  5. Bullets are short sentences.
  6. Visual and audio effects support and relate to the topic.
  7. Used creative backgrounds.
  8. Used links (through action buttons) to outside Web resources.
  9. Linked Websites are appropriate and add to lesson's effectiveness.
  10. Link to or embed video clips from YouTube or TeacherTube.
  11. Elements specific to PowerPoint:
    1. Used speakers notes.
    2. Animations play after/with previous.
    3. Use custom animation with sound appropriately and effectively to teach a lesson and maintain learner attention.
  1. Appropriate and proper use of formulas and functions.
  2. Properly formatted cells.
  3. Appropriate use of charts.
  4. Spreadsheet efectively presented information to add educational value to the lesson.
  1. Properly formatted graphics.
  2. Followed UDL guidelines to make the document readable and user-friendly.
  3. Demonstrated proper formatting and use of tools.


Assistance from Dr. Steve

The "hands-on project" affords you an opportunity to explore a technology more in depth, so you might desire or need assistance from Dr. Steve. You are encouraged to ask for assistance or run ideas past Dr. Steve through e-mail, phone, or office visit as needed. If you choose, you may wish to start a conversation by sending an e-mail that briefly describes the proposed project (what you propose to do and how you plan to do it), and Dr. Steve will send you numerous ideas. Also, feel free to e-mail your project in progress and ask for specific assistance, guidance, or ideas.

Have fun doing the project!


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E-mail Dr. Steve.