Misericordia University | TED 121 -- Educational Technology |
In class, download the
APA example notes.doc (27 Kb) and
APA checklist.doc (24.5 Kb) to use during the discussion and demonstration.
Be careful if you are searching the Web in general -- make sure that the material you plan to use as a resource is respected, scholarly, and valid. Ebsco Host and ERIC are respected repositories of scholarly materials, and thus are a good place to start your search.
Fishbein (2001) states that... Fishbein (2001) contends that... NOT Fishbein (2001) said... |
Drucker, P., & Schwartz, P. (1993, July/August). Post-Capitalist. Wired, 80-83. Summary: In this interview, Peter Drucker discusses how knowledge, not capital, is becoming the basis of corporate wealth. Considered are the following topics: the effect of knowledge on production, the knowledge worker, and aspects of preserving intellectual property. According to Drucker, continuous learning is an American innovation which is considered "unimaginable" in Japan or in Germany (Drucker & Schwartz, 1993). There are two ways to increase the productivity of knowledge workers. In knowledge work, ask "What should you be doing?" rather than how. Second, make sure that people can concentrate on results rather than spending time performing nonessential or unproductive tasks (Drucker & Schwartz, 1993). Drucker states that a corporation must redesign the process around the information, costing very little (Drucker & Schwartz, 1993). "The traditional factors of production (land, labor, capital) are becoming restraints rather than driving forces. Instead, knowledge is becoming the one critical factor of production.:Education in the U.S. has historically followed changes in industrial production models. Logically, then, the concept of agile manufacturing should also greatly influence the educational paradigm in the future" (Drucker & Schwartz, 1993, p. 54).
It appears that an organization must build in organized abandonment into an organizational system. It cannot successfully innovate unless it systematically abandons. (Dr. Steve) |
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