TED 121 -- Educational Technology
This is a hands-on course. All students are expected to attend and actively participate in all course meetings and activities. When you are absent from class, you are expected to contact the instructor to be excused. No unexcused absences are permitted. Missing class will limit a student's ability to participate in the teaching/learning activities, and may result in a lowered class participation grade.
According to TED departmental policy, students who are absent are expected to notify the instructor in order to be excused from class.
Notify Dr. Steve in advance of the absence or as soon as possible thereafter through any of the following ways:
- E-mail Dr. Steve. OR
- Phone Dr. Steve at 674-6761. OR
- Speak with Dr. Steve before or after class.
- Be aware that some graded activities are conducted during class time. Students who miss graded in-class activities may not be able to complete them or make them up, which will result in a failing grade for that activity.
- Students who are absent are responsible for course material that was covered during their absence, and are responsible for completing and submitting projects/assignments that are due in a timely fashion.
- In cases of extended or questionable absences, the instructor reserves the right to request a medical excuse from a student or request that the student discuss the absence with the department chairperson.
- If a student has unexcused absences or a large number of absences, the instructor reserves the right to not accept extra credit assignments.
- Attendance and participation problems may be seen as violations of the TED Code of Ethics and will be addressed accordingly (see "TED Code of Ethics" in the TED Guidebook).
For more information, please consult the course syllabus.